How Can I Calm Newborn Colic?

10 Proven Ways To Soothe a Colicky Baby

Welcoming a new baby into the family is a joyous occasion, but for some parents, the challenge of soothing a colicky baby can be overwhelming. Colic is a common condition characterized by excessive, inconsolable crying in an otherwise healthy and well-fed infant. The exact cause of colic remains uncertain, but it often peaks around the second month of life and gradually improves by the fourth or fifth month. Coping with a colicky baby requires patience, experimentation, and a combination of strategies. Here are some effective ways to soothe a colicky baby and bring relief to both the infant and the exhausted parents.

  1. Comfort, Acknowledge and Try Various Positions

Sometimes, all a colicky baby needs is the comfort of being held and reassurance that you’re there and listening. Gentle rocking, swaying, or simply holding your baby close can provide a sense of security. Even if we can’t “fix” their crying, our presence lets them know they’re safe. Experiment with different positions to find what works best for your little one, such as holding them upright against your shoulder or cradling them in your arms. As you hold them, quietly and gently let them know, “You really need to cry and this is hard. I’m here.”

  1. White Noise

The use of white noise can be surprisingly effective in calming a colicky baby. This could be the sound of a fan, a vacuum cleaner, or a purpose-made white noise machine. The consistent background noise may mimic the womb environment and help soothe your baby to sleep. Just be sure to keep it at a reasonable volume for both you and your baby.

  1. Swaddling

Swaddling can provide a snug and secure feeling for your baby, which may help alleviate colic symptoms. You’re baby may enjoy a swaddle of their body only, their body plus one arm, or both arms in against their body. You’ll get to know their preferences over time, so go ahead and experiment. Do be sure not to swaddle too tightly, as this can restrict your baby’s movement and lead to other issues. Practice proper swaddling techniques and ensure that your baby’s hips have enough room to move (

  1. Warm Bath

A warm bath can be a relaxing experience for both parents and babies. The warm water can help ease your baby’s discomfort and provide a calming effect. Gentle splashing and play during bath time can also serve as a distraction from colic-related fussiness.

  1. Massage and Leg Circles

Gentle massages can help relax your baby’s tense muscles and alleviate colic symptoms. Use soft, circular motions on your baby’s belly, moving in a clockwise direction. Ensure that your hands are warm, and use a baby-friendly oil or lotion to prevent friction. You can also hold your baby’s legs in your hands and slowly rotate them at the hips in a clockwise direction, up towards their belly and down and away, helping their digestive system to move and release trapped air/gas.

  1. Consider Probiotics

Recent research suggests that probiotics may have a positive impact on colic symptoms. Consult with your pediatrician before introducing any probiotic supplements to your baby’s diet. If recommended, choose a probiotic specifically formulated for infants.

  1. Change Feeding Techniques/Diet

If your baby is formula-fed, consider experimenting with different formulas to rule out any potential allergies or sensitivities. For breastfed babies, mothers can try adjusting their diet to identify and eliminate potential triggers. Additionally, ensuring proper burping during and after feedings can help minimize gas-related discomfort. Always consult with your pediatrician before making these changes.

  1. Create a Calm Environment

Colicky babies can be sensitive to their surroundings. Create a calm and quiet environment during fussy periods. Dim the lights, reduce noise levels, and limit stimulation to help your baby relax.

  1. Get Outside

Taking your baby for a walk in the stroller or carrier can do wonders. The change in scenery, fresh air, new temperature and sounds, plus the gentle rhythmic movement is soothing for your baby, and extremely beneficial to your mental health. Your baby’s cries are no longer confined to the walls of your home, you can pop in your ear buds and listen to some rejuvenating music, and hey, you may even run into a friend or neighbor who’s willing to take your baby for a bit!

  1. Take Turns

Caring for a colicky baby can be physically and emotionally draining. It’s crucial for parents to take turns comforting the baby, allowing each other breaks for rest and self-care. This teamwork can make the challenging moments more manageable.

Lastly, don’t be afraid of using earplugs! They limit the volume of the crying you’re subjected to, but you can still hear your baby. When I’ve done this myself, my heart rate and blood pressure lower, my nervous system relaxes, and I feel way more calm and compassionate towards my baby.

One more option worth considering

When these at-home strategies are still not enough to sooth your baby’s colic, many parents have found relief at a pediatric chiropractor or a craniosacral therapist. Search for practitioners in your area, and ask if they have experience with babies and colic specifically.

woman's pointer fingers on baby's feet

In Conclusion

While colic can be a stressful and challenging phase for both babies and parents, the good news is that it usually resolves on its own with time. Trying a combination of these soothing strategies can help manage your baby’s colic symptoms and provide much-needed relief for everyone involved. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your pediatrician for guidance and support throughout this challenging but temporary period.

<3 Coach Nina

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