About Coach Nina & UnderstandingMyBaby.com

Hello and Welcome!

My name is Nina. I’m a mom to two amazing toddlers, and a parenting coach for families with young children. I’m passionate about bringing joy and calm to the early years of parenting through easy-to-digest tips, advice, data, and stories. I want to take the mystery and frustration out of being with your baby so that you can “do less and enjoy more” (Magda Gerber).

Coach Nina playing ball with her son

UNDERSTANDING MY BABY is my gift to you; the hard working and burnt out parents of the world. You’ve got enough on your plate just trying to care for your baby and keep your life running, and you deserve fast and clear answers to all of your important questions about your baby’s behavior, needs and milestones. You deserve science-backed information that is presented in a straight forward way, so you can rest easy in the decisions you make for your little one.

Whether it’s choosing a formula, wondering when to start sleeping separately from your baby, or developing coping strategies for bouts of relentless crying in the middle of the night, I aim to take the shame and complexity out of the decision making process.

I bring refined research skills and over two decades of experience in child development and learning to the creation of this website. Information you can trust is my top priority! My own journey as a preschool teacher, parent educator, masters student, and mother has been wildly transformed by the teachings of the other experts in this realm. I desire to offer you that information, and peace of mind, as you nurture your family.

You are my audience, so I’m here to cater to your needs. This is a safe and supportive place. Have a question you can’t find the answer too? Want to share an idea for content? I’m all ears and ready to help!

When I’m not parenting, or thinking about parenting (which isn’t all that often!), I can be found watching Hollywood Medium, making stained glass art, completing renovation projects in our fixer-upper, tackling yard work, and eating too much chocolate.

Your cheerleader,
Coach Nina

Coach Nina leaning over her two-month-old daughter laying on blanket, black and white

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