The timing of when babies get their teeth can vary widely, but there is a standard sequence in which teeth typically emerge. The process of teething usually begins around six months of age and continues into the toddler years. Here is a general guideline for the eruption of baby teeth:
The chart above shows the typical age in months of tooth eruption (shown in the darker color) with the ranges (represented in a lighter color) possible for each tooth. Here’s the information again in written form:
Lower Central Incisors (Bottom Front Teeth):
~ 6-10 months of age, some as early as 4 months or as late as 12 months.
Upper Central Incisors (Top Front Teeth):
~ 8-12 months of age, some as early as 6 months or as late as 14 months.
Upper Lateral Incisors (Top Side Teeth):
~ 9-13 months of age, some as early as 7 months or as late as 15 months.
Lower Lateral Incisors (Bottom Side Teeth):
~ 10-16 months of age, some as early as 8 months or as late as 18 months.
First Molars (Back Teeth):
~ 13-19 months of age, with some appearing around the 1 year mark and some coming in closer to their second birthday.
Canines (Cuspids):
~ 16-22 months of age, some as early as 14 months or as late as 24 months.
Second Molars (Back Teeth):
~ 23-31 months of age, some as early as 20 months or as late as 33 months.
By the age 3 years, most children will have a full set of 20 primary (baby) teeth. Keep in mind that these are averages, and there is considerable variability. As always, if you ever have questions or concerns about your baby’s teething patterns, consult with your pediatrician.
P.S. If you’re looking for ways to relieve your baby’s discomfort throughout the teething period, I’ve got you! (CLICK HERE!)
<3> Coach Nina